Healthy Body Image Affirmations
Nov 28, 2021
I asked a group of more than 1,800 women to help me make a list of positive affirmations for a healthy body image, and this is what we created! These affirmations are LIFE-CHANGING, and we want to spread them around the world, to as many humans as possible.
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My mind is clear and open
My face radiates beautiful kindness
My head is held high and proud
My eyes reflect the beauty of the world around me
My shoulders are strong and stable
My arms are open to giving and receiving love
My hands are capable and skilled
My heart is courageous and loving
The roundness of my belly connects me to our Mother Earth
My hips are free and fearless
My legs support and carry me through my life
My feet are always moving me forward towards my goals
My body is beautiful for what it can do
My body belongs to me; my choices belong to me
I love and respect myself, exactly as I am
I take care of me, so that those I love will have me forever
I take care of my body and my body takes care of me
I respect the wisdom of my body
I see myself with loving eyes, and I love everything I see
I love my body, my partner loves my body
I am comfortable and confident in my own skin
My body is my home
My body is wise and my intuition is strong
I am powerful, I am capable
I love my body because it’s mine
I love my body because it’s the house of a goddess
I love my body because nobody else can tell me how to feel
I love my body because it’s my best friend
I feel healthy as I give my body the food, rest and activity it needs
My body has overcome many physical feats and shows its beauty in strength
My body is my constant companion in life and love
My body works hard to accomplish what I want and need
I am grateful for this body! It allows me to experience the world around me and gives me sensation beyond measure
My body is not for others’ approval or satisfaction, but for myself, to make me happy
My body is love. My body accepts love. My body gives love.
My body is a temple for me to decorate as I please, and I’m the only one that has to accept my body
My large feet keep me planted firmly on the ground. My thick thighs provide plenty of lap space to sit on. My soft arms create a cushiony pillow for small heads
My body cannot be owned. It is not my possession, rather, my body IS myself. I do not look upon it as “other.” As I include my body into my sense of self, empathy for its story is the only thing left to feel, and I accept my wholeness
My body is a miracle
I am always the perfect age
Never regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many
I am allowed to feel all emotions; from love and lust, to anger and hurt
My body knows how to grieve because my body knows how to hope
My body is me, and I am exactly as I should be
My body is spectacular
My body is strong and capable
My body is a gift and I cherish its abilities, great and small
My body and spirit are a perfect team and are always working together
My body is supportive of who I am becoming
My body is perfect as it is, and will support me in my life’s journey
Today, I honor my body
I love myself, and I treat myself with respect
I am in tune with my body and I respond to its healthy desires
My body thanks me for my healthy choices
The health of my body is my joyful responsibility
My body tells my story
My body is a testament to the life I have lived
I listen to my own inner wisdom, which guides my every thought and action
May I accept things as they are. May I be free from suffering and the cause of suffering. May all beings be free from suffering and the cause of suffering
Even if it has not been your habit throughout your life so far, I recommend that you learn to think positively about your body– Ina May Gaskin
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